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once upon a bouquet frilly blouse


The ONCE UPON A BOUQUET frilly blouse embodies an arrangement of florals in soft pinks , peaches and yellow against white tones that could easily pass for a vintage heirloom and will most certainly become so.  With its romantic white lace detailing , shirred blouson sleeves and stand collar , this blouse is a romantic showstopper!



  • pastel floral print
  • rayon material
  • blouson sleeves
  • shirred elastic cuffs
  • white lace frill buttoned front 
  • high stand collar
  • relaxed fit
  • designed in Australia and ethically and lovingly handmade in Bali
  • measurements laid flat (approx) size 10 : bust through to waist/hips 50cms, total length 62cms, sleeve length from collar 60cms, sleeve width 24cms.  /  size 12: bust through to waist/hips 54cms, total length 65cms, sleeve length from collar to cuff 62cms, sleeve width 28cms.
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